Harmony in Action: Building a Better Tomorrow

“Harmony in Action: Building a Better Tomorrow” encapsulates our unwavering commitment to fostering positive change. At Arunodaya Rural Development Federation, we believe in the transformative power of unity, where diverse efforts come together to create a symphony of impact. Join us on a journey where every action, no matter how small, resonates to build a future marked by compassion, equality, and shared prosperity. Together, we are architects of a better tomorrow, harmonizing our collective strengths for the well-being of communities and the world at large.

Our Journey: From One Village to a Hundred, 25+ Years Strong


Embarking on a humble mission in a single village over 25 years ago, Arunodaya Rural Development Federation has blossomed into a dynamic force for positive change, now reaching more than 100 villages. Our roots run deep in the commitment to community upliftment, and our journey tells a story of resilience, dedication, and unwavering passion.

Beginning with a vision to make a meaningful impact, we started in one village, addressing immediate needs and fostering sustainable development. As time unfolded, our efforts multiplied, and the ripple effect reached neighboring communities. Today, we stand as a testament to the transformative power of collective action.

Explore the pages of our history to understand how a single seed of change has grown into a flourishing tree of impact. Our journey is a mosaic of stories, each village representing a chapter of progress, empowerment, and positive transformation. Join us in celebrating the milestones, the challenges overcome, and the countless lives touched on this remarkable journey from one village to over a hundred—a journey that continues to evolve and inspire change.


Empowering Communities

Our mission revolves around empowering communities through education, skill development, and capacity building, fostering self-sufficiency and positive change.

Fostering Inclusivity and Equity

Our commitment to inclusivity drives projects aimed at eliminating discrimination and creating opportunities, ensuring equal access to education, healthcare, and socio-economic benefits for all.

Sustainable Development

We are dedicated to sustainable development, embracing practices that prioritize environmental responsibility, economic viability, and social equity for lasting impact.



“At the core of our mission is the unwavering commitment to empower communities, breaking the cycle of poverty through education, skill development, and capacity building. With a focus on sustainable development, we advocate for practices that balance environmental responsibility, economic viability, and social equity. Our passion lies in fostering inclusivity and equity, eliminating discrimination, and creating opportunities for marginalized groups. By championing equal access to education, healthcare, and socio-economic benefits, we strive to build a society where diversity is celebrated, and every individual has the tools to realize their full potential. Join us in shaping a world where empowerment and opportunity know no bounds.”

What we do


“At Arunodaya Rural Development Federation, our impactful initiatives span a spectrum of essential areas, encompassing education, healthcare, environmental sustainability, and socio-economic development. We work tirelessly to empower communities by providing education, skills training, and capacity-building programs.”

How to help


Whether you’re a student intern seeking hands-on experience, a dedicated researcher eager to contribute valuable insights, an individual with a passion for volunteering, or a large group looking to make a collective impact, we extend a warm invitation for you to join us in supporting our projects in Sri Lanka. Your unique skills, enthusiasm, and commitment can play a vital role in making a positive difference. We value the diversity of contributions and welcome all those who share our vision for positive change. Explore the various ways you can get involved and be a part of our mission to create lasting impact in communities.